Dr. Jeff Evenson is a Board Certified Doctor of Holistic Health. Jeff runs his natural health improvement practice from his homestead in Finlayson, MN. He retired from the US Navy after 20 years as a Chief Cryptologist and worked 19 years of Information Security in mobile telecommunications and the financial sector. Jeff is passionate about helping people return to a life filled with vitality.
As a Board Certified Doctor of Holistic Health, my role is rooted in the original meaning of ‘doctor’ as a teacher. My focus is on educating and guiding individuals towards optimal well-being through natural and holistic practices. I am not a medical doctor, but rather a practitioner dedicated to sharing knowledge and empowering others to take charge of their health using holistic principles. My approach encompasses a broad spectrum of natural therapies and lifestyle adjustments to support the body’s innate healing abilities. My goal is to teach and inspire my clients to achieve balance and harmony in their physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
Jeff’s interest in health and fitness took place during his navy years where he led his shipmates and divisions in group fitness. Jeff was also a navy certified instructor and Master Training Specialist; as well as a Command Alcohol and Drug Advisor and Command Financial Counselor. Jeff participated as a trained CREDO Retreat Facilitator. CREDO filled a need for personal and relational reflection, growth, and spiritual enrichment.
“What got me into natural healing?” The grind of life caught up to me. I used to think my health was fine. When conventional medicine couldn’t solve some serious health challenges for my family, we sought out alternative solutions. I found results for my own health I had spent years ignoring. I had relied on multiple surgeries to fix my issues. Maybe they did short term, but they never addressed what the root cause was. After awhile my health issues returned.
I encountered a wellness practitioner who focused on holistic nutrition and who practices with a technique called Nutrition Response Testing. I raised my eyebrows as a skeptic, quickly realizing I didn’t have anything to lose. I gave her program a try and quickly found myself in a new world. My health returned; as well as the health of my family. I had no idea the shift could be so dramatic. It played such a huge impact on my thinking that I knew I had to learn how to do that.
I went back to college to get my master’s degree and found the path for learning Nutrition Response Testing, Holistic Lifestyle Coaching, and more recently, Primal Health Coaching. I created a Holistic Wellness Center in South Central Minnesota and operated that for about five years. It was a great concept but my execution was off. I closed it down and restarted in my home office in North Mankato. This was going well, but I couldn’t resist the call to move up north and return to the country life.
I’m now practicing from my homestead in Finlayson, MN. It’s a new chapter in my life and I’m truly blessed to be where I’m at. I truly feel people will find me when they are ready to begin a new healing journey. I consider it a privilege to help those seeking a return to life filled with vitality. I use, practice and am informed by techniques from applied kinesiology, human energy, Reiki, and Nutrition Response Testing.
“I like to say I’m helping to heal the world one person at a time.” Just know, I do not have an overnight solution for you. What I do have is the knowledge, experience, and ability to help, guide, or coach you in a holistic healing journey that could change your world. Perhaps as much as it did mine. That part is up to you.
Jeff has two older sons, Garrett and Ethan.
- United States Navy 1983-2003
- University of Maryland University Colleges
- Bachelor of Sciences Computer and Information Security
- Goddard College
- Master of Arts in Health Arts and Sciences
- Ulan Nutritional Systems
- Advanced Master Clinician in Nutrition Response Testing (#352)
- Chek Institute
- Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 2
- Primal Health Coach Institute
- Primal Health Coach
- Trinity School of Natural Health
- Certified Natural Health Professional (CNHP)
- Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (CHHP)
- American Natural Wellness Practitioners Board (ANWPB)
- Board Certified Doctor of Holistic Health (BCDHH)
My LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffevenson/